At the end of April, barely returned from our winter home in Texas and not yet unpacked I turned around and headed for Quilt City with four quilting friends. After four days of stimulation from beautiful quilts, quilt fabrics, quilt classes and all other things related to quilts in Paducah, Kentucky I am still trying to recoup. The quilts were, as usual, spectacular. The first night back I was exhausted and slept without dreaming. By the second night I had had time to begin processing all that I saw, all that I bought and some of what I wanted to create. I had been asleep less than three hours when I awoke with a start. I had to get up and make some notes. I had been dreaming in silk dupioni—literally. Everything I was dreaming about was either a color I had seen in a quilt or was a quilt that I had designed and made (in my dreams) and all were hand quilted beautifully out of silk dupioni. So, up and out of bed, bleary eyed but excited, get those thoughts recorded. Wouldn’t you know, by the time I found the writing utensil and some paper I couldn’t remember anything but a gigantic star of the softest olive green. It was not pieced. It was all one color and hand stitched with the tiniest of stitches. When I awoke I was sure I had a prize winning quilt design. Now, days later, I look at the notes and am wondering why on earth I thought it was worth getting out of bed at 2 a.m. and recording. Will there be a soft, olive green prize winning star quilt of silk dupioni with tiny hand stitches in my future? Most likely not, but I will continue to fondle the silk dupioni that I did purchase and dream on, in silk.