
Baby’s Playmat

Baby’s Playmat

Errant Ones is the name given this playmat for baby, my original design and unfinished in this photo.  The finished quilt was given first place in the crib quilt category at the Hannibal Piecemakers Quilt Show going on April 1 and 2 at the Admiral 

Dimensional Technique

Dimensional Technique

Quilt shows now abound at any time of the year and all across the country, small towns and cities. Before leaving our winter home I attended one last show in  south Texas. I always hope to see something unusual and/or creative that I haven’t seen 

Dresden Next

Dresden Next

Work is now started on a version of Dresden Plate using home dec fabrics with a formal feel.  Silks, satins, linens, cotton damask and more are used to make the blades of the plate.  They will be combined with my hand dyed linens in some sort of traditional arrangement with the non-traditional twist of fabrics.  More on this as it develops.

dresden pieceshome dec dresden

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay

I have always loved the poem by Robert Frost, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, even before the high school literature teacher wanted us to make deeper meaning from it. I continue to associate it with nature and the beauty of all that we have been privileged 

Texas Two Step

Texas Two Step

The Piecemakers by the Bay 2016 Quilt Show is in the books.  As always, there were many beautiful quilts.  One part of the show is the guild challenge.  This year it was titled Texas Two Step with the following guidelines.  Two sides had to be 

Quilt Show Time in Rockport Texas

Quilt Show Time in Rockport Texas

January 30 and 31, 2016 will be a showing of quilts sponsored by the Piecemakers by the Bay Quilt Guild in Rockport, Texas. The show is 10-5 on Saturday and 11-4 on Sunday. I am in charge of the guild challenge, “Texas Two-Step”.   While the entry numbers are small they will show the creativity of the participating guild members and attendees will have a ballot to vote on their favorite.

Also on the quilt show agenda is a continuum of presentations by the members on a variety of topics that showcase member skills and artistic eye. Rather than classes or teaching as the focus, attendees will gain insight into the many aspects of a quilt guild as seen through the eyes of it’s members, from charity ideas to educational programs to artistic endeavors.

Along with my responsibility as the chair of the guild challenge I will be presenting on color, blogging, vintage linens repurposed and an artistic technique using a commercial product called Tyvek.

Join us and watch for photos on this blog after the show.

New Brighter Colors

New Brighter Colors

A new color combo for me.  Much brighter than the soft, subdued colors I usually choose. It has been fun and stimulating to make the selection.  this is actually being made for a presentation on using vintage linens in our quilting projects. Presentation will be 

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon

I have wanted to make a quilt with the Rose of Sharon applique pattern for many years. Hand applique has always been the reason I have not accomplished that aspiration. The time seems right. Using a design program I have drafted a pattern based on 

December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015

Dec 18, 2015

Sewing has stopped for the time being so work can continue on the sewing room. The mini kitchenette area is being worked on by my husband with “help” from me. The sewing machine is covered by it’s carrying case and a sheet totally wrapped around it to protect from the little bit of sawdust that is being generated. Most of the work is being done outside so I get to be the “runner” between the saw outside, the storage shed at the far end of the property and the room. Knee surgery still is taking it’s toll on Craig’s abilities to move quickly or up and down stairs without some pain. Good news is that even if I can’t sew I am using my time to learn more about the capabilities of EQ7 on the computer. Angie Padilla’s book on AppliqueDrawing from EQ7 is taking me step by step through the drawing. I don’t generally like to take the time to learn those things that are not directly related to what I want to do. I like to start at the back or middle of a book and work through it as it interests me but now is the time to take time. I am finding it is generating ideas and I have almost learned enough to draw out an applique Christmas tree skirt that I designed the old fashioned paper and pencil way last summer. As soon as I get the figures drawn it will be a good design for sharing on this website….for next year’s tree.




Using my long ago learned directions for making a lap back pillow (4-H) I made five for my Texas sewing room sofa.  No ordinary pillows for the sewing room though.  I did bobbin stitching on one-it’s been about 25 years since I did that and