Evan + Cassie’s “Infinity”

Evan + Cassie’s “Infinity”

The making of Evan and Cassie’s infinity wedding quilt, from fabric selection to completion. Congratulations and many years of happiness!

Roses Remembered in Houston

Roses Remembered in Houston

I am so honored to have had my quilt Roses Remembered on display at the International Quilt Festival. It is now going to be part of their traveling exhibit for the 2023 year.  The pattern is now available on my Etsy site, PosieLaneLinens.  It is 

Update of programs

Update of programs

I have enjoyed presenting to several wonderful quilt guilds in Missouri and Texas this year and looking forward to several more programs before the year ends.  As I just received word that one of my quilts will be on exhibit in Houston this fall I 

Circle in a Square

Circle in a Square

  A great quilt group asked lots of questions as I shared my inspirations and reflections related to the quilts I make. I truly enjoyed being the May program for their guild and appreciated that a friend rode shotgun for the trip to St. Louis 

Around the Bend

Around the Bend

Down the road, around the bend, there’s an empty barn nearing its end. Sagging roof, windows gaping, weathered wood, rusted hinges, swiftly aging. (my adaptation of the first verse of a poem by Vance Oliphant) For the last ten years my morning walk has taken 

Ring Around the Rosy

Ring Around the Rosy

One of my favorite quilts in my new book, Hand Me Down Quilts, is the one titled “Ring Around the Rosy”. I have made it many times in a variety of fabric styles as a baby quilt. Hope you will consider it for your next 

Hand Me Down Quilts

Hand Me Down Quilts

I am so pleased to share that with my daughter’s expertise I have the final proof done for my quilt book titled “Hand Me Down Quilts”.  I hope it will be available by mid-October.  It is not a how-to quilt book but has 14 patterns 

Reiman Gardens Quilt Show

Reiman Gardens Quilt Show

I have jumped in to a new endeavor in the quilting world.  I have to part with some of the fabric and linens that I love to dye.  I will never be able to use it all myself so now to consider how to package 

Another Funky Bouquet

Another Funky Bouquet

Another Funky Bouquet Every once in a while, especially after having done a lot of precision sewing, I crave the freedom to simply create without a plan. And this is what results! The lace tablecloth was a throwaway, had some tears and probably some stains 

New pattern available

New pattern available

Gingerbread Friends is my newest pattern now available at Hickory Stick Quilt Shop. Get yours and use your favorite winter wonderland fabrics or make it scrappy using leftovers from winter/Christmas past.