
Pear profiles

Pear profiles

Using Linda Ambrosini’s pattern to have some fun with different fabrics and textures as well as quilting designs. Her pattern reminded me of a design I did for a college art class using blue apples. I may have to create or re-create that design in 

Art Nouveau Poppies

Art Nouveau Poppies

Art Nouveau Poppy I have long admired the poppy. The graceful stems that hold that bright red flower have led me to acquire fabrics that include a poppy motif, to hone in on photos of quilts as I search internet sources, and to admire those 



“In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place, and in the sky,

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard among the guns below.”

My first memories of poppies (the Oriental Poppy) relate to the border along our driveway on the farm and how my mother liked their bright color but also considered them very weed-like as they encroached on the other flowers.   I loved their bright red orange flowers and the yellow green leaves that seemed “stickery” but weren’t and didn’t understand why I couldn’t pick them and make a bouquet—they didn’t last long once cut so enjoy in their natural environment. I also remember my grandparents being dedicated members of the American Legion and Poppy Days was an obligation they felt very strongly about since my grandfather served in WWI. I always associate the Flanders field quote with an image of my grandmother and great aunt selling the crepe paper poppies in Shannon City and also in Creston as they had a small paper handout that mentioned Flanders field even though I did not know what that meant for many years.


My idea for a round robin effort was to use the pattern from a book by Lisa Bongean, “Garden Gatherings”. I used batIks, homespun and prints with embellishment at the center of the poppies added as part of the round robin. I envisioned an asymmetrical setting that remains rectangular. I love the addition made by each of my friends to make a small wall hanging that I cherish for the many memories it represents.


I am thankful for the service and safety of my husband, my uncles, my grandfather, my father-in-law and brother-in-law. I remember with respect those who gave their life to preserve the freedoms we enjoy.

Ice Dyeing, New Addiction

Ice Dyeing, New Addiction

I didn’t have to wait for the weather to turn cold to try ice dyeing but that is what happened and now I wonder why on earth I kept putting off trying it!!! While the ice was melting I kept tabs on the process and 



Take one dyed vintage linen towel, post it on the design wall for deliberation while other projects are worked on, see a bench pillow at Hickory Stick, dig out some sunflower fabric from #$&+ years ago and, voila, another project is born.

Just Peachy

Just Peachy

I have been resisting the urge to get back to my fabric dyeing but today I could resist no longer. The creative urge won! I had my color choices in mind, again drawing from nature. The Calhoun peaches first came to mind but at a recent class my daughter and I enjoyed our lunch in the Des Moines Art Center’s Rose garden. While the roses were nearing the end of their beauty they were still worthy of commemorating. First step for me is to dye some wool in colors from Cabernet to persimmon to sunflower yellow. Next step will be to decide on design. Will it be a single rose in a bud vase or a whole bouquet? Hmmm, more creative thinking time needed.

A Fun Marbling Class

A Fun Marbling Class

It’s always fun for me to learn and to fine tune techniques and skills that can be used in art quilts. Today it was all about trying different manipulations of paint on the viscose surface of a carrageenan and water mixture and then transferring to 

Remembering Linen Towels

Remembering Linen Towels

Remember those linen towels picked up as souvenirs from your travels? I pick them up in “trash” boxes at auctions, dye them in appropriate or related color schemes and then……And then they become something stitched, like this tote bag. What fun!!

Mystery Quilt Retreat

Mystery Quilt Retreat

Evidence is gathered, clues are being followed and soon we’ll see the first block. What fun and diligent detectives!

Heirloom Protection

Heirloom Protection

Care and Conservation of Heirloom Textiles  Excerpted from University of Nebraska publication G1682 in cooperation with International Quilt Study Center, Lincoln, NE (full publication available online at Light—low levels for display and darkness for storage. Humidity-moist air, warmth, and lack of air circulation cause