Hashtag Punctuality
The May inspiration starter, Punctuality, of course, has a back story. About six years ago I made a quilt for my daughter in favored colors of chartreuse and taupe. For months I collected fabrics as I traveled to different quilt shops and quilt shows. And, of course, I collected more than I needed and made more blocks than were needed for the finished quilt. Like vintage linens that languish in our drawers these blocks languished in a tote, moved out to a shelf so I could contemplate their use, moved to a plastic bag to keep them together and finally the idea hit. The text on the fabric and the use of or lack of punctuation in our texting mode of communication inspired me to collect my favorite punctuation marks in the various fonts on my computer. Enough leftover fabric to cut small squares in the same size as the leftover blocks from the quilt, fonts sized to fit and the plan was complete. Enough blocks to use as top and bottom “borders”. As often happens with my inspirations the idea looked fun and would work so then it sat as other projects took precedence for finishing. I know that many quilters start a project and finish it before starting another but that is not my mode of operation. So six years later I found the project in it’s last resting place, under a stack of yukata prints that are still waiting for the light bulb to come on. Punctuation marks were fused but not stitched so variegated thread and a blanket stitch completed that process. Binding was made and attached, well almost. I lacked six inches to finish the binding. Now, where is that extra fabric? I have three totes of scraps, which one did I put it in? It should be on top. Oh, that was before I started making masks and was upheaving everything to find fun, colorful fabric scraps to be combined in mix and match ways. Finally unearthed the needed piece and completed.
Now this must surely be an amazingly gorgeous project to have taken six years to bring to completion but no, it’s just a fun little wall hanging measuring less than 27” for the office cubicle. #punctuation #punctuality