Making art quilts that represent my heritage is one of my passions as I stitch something every day. In this first blog I share one of my favorite childhood memories of my grandparents farm.
The walnut grove separated the “home place” from my grandparents new home. Grandma always had a five gallon bucket sitting near the path through the grove, tossing in walnuts as they dropped. Grandpa cracked shells and picked nutmeats during cold winter nights. Black walnuts make my favorite oatmeal raisin cookies.
This small art quilt represents the grove as I remember it. The background was scrunched and fused to give texture. Trees are made with shredded fabric scraps of brown and gray. The basket for collecting the walnuts was thread painted in a hoop and then applied to the background. The dimensional leaves were also made in a hoop with stabilizer and tulle as the background. Beads were added to fill the bushel basket.