February Block of the Month
You Are My Sunshine
This block was inspired by the month of February—Valentine’s Day, anniversary of my parents marriage and of several of their siblings and probably many others out there. It is named for my parents song, “You Are My Sunshine” as designated by their school yearbook, next to my dad’s picture. The block is known as Bowtie but also as Lover’s Knot. I use the block in the dimensional form with ombre borders and a few prairie points to resemble rays of sunshine. While I mitered my borders I give instructions for a blocked border. It can be made with scraps of different pinks or one fat quarter and same for yellow background. For an ombre border you will need ¾ yard to cut vertically, otherwise 1/3 yard of 42” fabric will work.
Cut three 4 ½” squares from each of four pink fabrics.
Cut eight 4 ½” squares from yellow background fabric.
Cut two 4 ½” x 16 ½” side borders.
Cut two 4 ½” x 24 ½” top and bottom borders.
Prairie Points: Cut seven squares varying from 4 ½” to 3”.
Dimensional lover’s knot: (there are many You tube videos on this method)
Fold one pink square in half and sandwich between a pink and a yellow square with all raw edges even. Stitch a ¼” seam on the right side edge.
Sandwich a yellow and pink square on the left side of the folded square (just opposite of the right side, see photo) and stitch.

I prefer to press the seams open to reduce bulk for the next step of sewing the four patch.
Pin right side yellow to left side pink. Open the folded square to match the center seams and continue to form the four patch. It will a little difficult to get the folded patch open and folded edge out of the ¼” seam allowance.

Dimensional four patch done! Sew four and arrange so “knots” form a ring. Add two side borders and then top and bottom borders.
After quilting, before adding binding, place prairie points along bottom and side borders then bind as usual.
Prairie points are made by folding the squares in half diagonally and then in half again.
Remember these small projects are a wonderful way to practice your quilting skills.