
Pieces of the Past

Pieces of the Past

Pieces of the Past Piece of the past dyed, Radiating swirls and stars, Doilies of old, new.   A cyanotype challenge.  I used doilies to sun print on the chemically treated fabric and then used some of my damaged hand dyed doilies for accent.  A 

A visit to Hickory Stick Quilt Shop

A visit to Hickory Stick Quilt Shop

I love visiting the Hickory Stick Quilt Shop in Hannibal where we live.  The employees and owner are so friendly, know their merchandise and encourage creative thinking in quiltmaking as well as applaud the traditional.  Today I spent a couple of hours there with the 

Mums the Word

Mums the Word

mums for realmums interpretedA couple of years ago one of the vendors at Hannibal’s Folk LIfe Festival had a marvelous display of mums in every color combination one could imagine.  I took several photos thinking I would one day replicate them in some way, shape or form.  Today I finished the quilting after using hand embroidery to blanket stitch the blossoms in place.  Now to get to the blocking and binding before this year’s festival is history.  The blossoms are improvisationally pieced with “leaves” scattered among the petals.  It was a fun way for me to divert from a very traditional Dresden Plate that is in the works with the colors of fall.


Sunprints   Nine eager quilters converged at my house Saturday to try two methods of sun printing on fabric for the third “Artistic Exploration” session. While the weather was not the most cooperative—too much humidity and not enough sun – we experimented with cyanotype and 

Yoga in the Morning

Yoga in the Morning

   NOthing like doing yoga in the morning on a deck at Kinderhook Retreat overlooking the lush farmland of Illinois. Relaxing and energizing, ready for a day of sewing with friends.  People said shen I came down stairs I appeared to be a woman on 

Programs and Workshops

Programs and Workshops

Three years have passed since retirement. I have been enjoying doing what I want pretty much when I want but I am missing one aspect of my professional career. Having been an educator for over 35 years I am itching to get back into the teaching mode.  I am available to plan and create the program or workshop that a guild or group desires in an evening, for a day, or at a retreat.  I am especially interested in the creative quilting aspects and the intergenerational sharing of our quilting heritage. Below are a few of the programs/workshops that I have prepared and would welcome your invitation to share.


Inspirations, Reflections, and Creations, 1 hour

A trunk show of traditional and non-traditional quilts that will inspire and motivate quilters as they reflect on their personal stories and quilts.

A short make and take can be included to make a quick folded flower as shown in several of the quilts, add 20 minutes.


“Intuition and Improvisation Before Patterns and Precision”, 3 or 6 hour class

In this class you will learn techniques to put together an improvisational quilt project unique to you. Trust yourself to take beloved fabrics and combine with “wonder why on earth I bought that!” fabrics in ways you never dreamed would result in a fabulous piece. Share and swap fabrics with other class members (convince your classmates that your “ugly” is their “beautiful”).

3 hour—demonstration and individual practice to make some blocks.

6 hour—demonstration and individual practice to make blocks and determine some potential arrangements for a finished product.


“Floral Fabric Bouquets Featuring Vintage Linens”, 3 hour workshop

Using vintage linens as the background for framed fabric floral bouquets. Bring your family linens whether handkerchief or pillowcase, dish towel or table linen to repurpose and preserve family memories. If you don’t have any or choose to let them languish in their drawer feel free to take advantage of my Posie Lane hand dyed linens available at Hickory Stick Quilt Shop in Hannibal, Missouri or from me. I will bring others for your selection to class but you may want to have your selection made ahead of time so you can concentrate on the design.



“A Leaf Collection”

Five 2 hour workshops that will result in five small finished projects or designs ready to combine into one.


This is a series of artistic workshops that will focus on creative techniques that can be applied to future creative quilting projects. The subject matter for class will be leaves but the techniques can be applied to any creative project you might choose for the future.



    Saturday I had the pleasure of taking daughter and friend to the starting point of RAGBRAI 2015, Sioux City, Iowa. The Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa draws thousands of bike riders from across the nation.  I saw license plates from California to 

Anatomy of a Leaf

Anatomy of a Leaf

Anatomy of a Leaf A group of quilters in the Hannibal, Missouri area are exploring artistic techniques using the leaf as subject matter for learning to create different textures in their creative quilting. The first session was thread painting. The second session was using Tyvek 

Denali Dreamin’

Denali Dreamin’

Denali Dreamin’ was made from a photo to keep us focused on our upcoming trip to Alaska.  Next year at about this time we will be crossing over into Canada on our way to Dawson Creek, the starting point for the Airstream caravan through Alaska.  Two full months of sightseeing will, I’m sure, only whet our appetite to return on our own in another time.

The quilted project was made by printing the photo on four sheets of prepared fabric.  Because I don’t like the seams of piecing together photos I decided to try the technique of framing.  I made a grid on the background batik fabric and then cut the photos to fit the grid after having fused a backing on the photo fabric.  It was a little scary to begin the quilting through the beauty of the scene but am pleased with the result.denali dreamin'

A Firecracker of a Gift

A Firecracker of a Gift

A simple gift bag made from a hand dyed vintage linen napkin.  Make this bag and tuck in that special gift, two gifts in one!  Especially nice for handing down a family heirloom whether a tea cup or a piece of Grandma’s jewelry.  Try a