December, 2015 wall hanging is machine embroidered snowflakes. December is mom’s birthday month which often means lots of snow and cold but it also reminds me of the December when the school busload of kids was stranded at the house because of the snowstorm that came so fast and hard. Was that 1963? I can’t remember for sure. It was just before Christmas as I recall and I’m sure we didn’t have the weather reporting equipment that is very useful today so schools let out early enough to avoid being stranded. That busload of kids at our house did not include my brother, sister and I as we were stranded at another house about three miles away with another bus. Lots of snowflakes and snowbanks that winter!!
Snowflakes also remind me of the winter games we played as kids—fox and goose, snow angels, snowmen and just playing on the snow drifts, hoping they would hold us up as we climbed around and about on them. Snow was fun as kids, not so fun when, as an adult, there is work associated with it–scooping, shoveling, driving,etc. Perhaps we should take some time to enjoy the beauty of it and recall the simplicity of it as seen through the eyes of children.
Hoffman fabric, Anita Goodesign embroidery pattern (Snowflakes of Rohan)