MIstakes: challenge or Opportunity
I set out to make a simple pinwheel quilt so grabbed the specialty ruler and began cutting triangles from the colorful fabric I had selected. I sewed block after block to make the triangle into a square to be pieced. Ready to piece some sample blocks I made a dozen before realizing I had rectangles rather than the intended square blocks. Where did I go wrong?? Oh, grabbed the wrong triangle ruler. Since I was at a retreat I switched to another project (don’t we all have more than one project in our retreat packing). A day went by and it was really bothering me that I couldn’t work on the pinwheel type project. I hate it when a plan doesn’t work but I also know that there is always another solution. The light bulb came on. Cut it up, what could I lose? Rather than cut into halves or quarters I decided to try thirds. An interesting block emerged and it was square when finished. I like rectangle blocks but I had square blocks in my mind.
I moved forward with sewing the rest of the triangles into the rectangle blocks and am ready to start cutting and sewing again. A new block means thinking of a new arrangement and there are so many possibilities. Until I get all the blocks cut and sewn into the new block I’ll continue to reflect on the possibilities.
Quilting mistakes, a challenge and an opportunity.