Idea, Plan, Finish

Idea, Plan, Finish

One of my all-time favorite quotes is by Louisa May Alcott.  When I was learning calligraphy in a college class I practiced my skills on this quote, “Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.  I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty and try to follow where they lead.”  I framed that piece and it hangs in my sewing room. I think that reflects my quilting style.  I have aspirations and dreams of quilts to design and make.  I buy fabric to begin the journey.  I put the fabric, design idea or pattern or book in a tote and put it on the shelf.  Periodically I review my collection and renew my interest. The beauty of the fabrics catch my eye once again and I bring it to the sewing area. It may become a reality or it may be enjoyed visually and then be put back on the shelf for further deliberation.

The pieces pictured here are a result of my love of collecting and dyeing vintage linens as well as fabrics. Often I dye the fabric and then select the linens to coordinate but this time I was dyeing a large collection of “gifts” from friends and liked the result so much that I repeated with the yardage (several yards).  I had an idea because the colors reminded me of summer sunsets.  From idea to design and now in the cutting stage and ready to start sewing.  Don’t hold your breath for the finished quilt as I have some other self-imposed deadlines but a top will be

finished soon.


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