Mystery Quilt 2018
Mystery Quilt 2018
46” x 50”
Are we ready to begin? Please, if you have any questions or need clarification email me. I don’t want people to be frustrated because they need more clarity than I have given. We all learn differently and I hope that photos and words together will work.
I will refer to fabrics by number as identified below:
Fabric #1, focus fabric
Fabric #2, second focus fabric
Fabric #3, frame for #2 fabric
Fabric #4, frame for #1 fabric
Fabric #5, frame work with #3 and #4
Fabric #6, background
Fabric #7, border and binding
Cutting instructions:
Fabric #1, cut 3 pieces 6 ½” x 20 ½” ;
Fabric #2, cut 3 pieces 8 ½” square;
Fabric #3, cut 24- 3” squares and 12- 2 ½” squares;
Fabric #4, cut 39- 3” squares and 12- 2 ½” squares;
Fabric #5, cut 63- 3” squares;
Fabric #6, cut 3- 2 ½” x 12 ½” rectangles, 3- 2 ½” x 14 ½” rectangles,
3- 4 ½” x 24 ½” rectangles;
Fabric # 7, (I suggest waiting to cut until ready to sew borders and measure to be sure these measurements meet the measurements of your finished project.)
cut 2- 38 ½” x 4 ½” strips for top and bottom of finished project, cut 2- 50 ½” x 4 ½” strips for sides.
First step construction:
All construction uses ¼” seam allowance.
Match fabric 5 squares with 3” squares from fabric 3 and 4. You will be making half square triangles—my way. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner and stitch ¼ inch on either side of the line. Cut on the drawn line and press seam open very carefully to avoid stretching. I press these seams open to reduce bulk later. Trim finished squares to 2 ½” square. Note the photos. HST are made this way to insure you have accurate squares with reduced bulk for later use. Organize trimmed squares into fabric 3 stack of 48 and fabric 4 stack of 78. Whew! That’s a lot of triangle squares but the worst is over. Get ready for step two next week.
Hi Sharon, wondering if I missed the yardage on the materials? Or should I figure them out?
Also do you mind if I share with friends in quilt group?
Laura, please share with whomever you want. I hope you have as much fun doing this as I have had planning it. And I want to see the photos of any finished or even half way finished projects. The fabric requirements should be repeated on the FEb 5 post but I will send you a separate email with them.
Have fun in Louisiana Cajun Country!