
My husband and I have spent the last two weeks cleaning tree debris resulting from Hurricane Harvey at our winter home near Rockport, Texas. We were so fortunate to have only limited damage to our home or my sewing/guest room. In fact, because the sewing room had been designed by him to be much like a guest room complete with air conditioning a generator allowed us to sleep cool while working. Like many have said and posted on the internet the utility workers coming from many different communities and states have very methodically been restoring power in far from pleasant conditions. The man who came to check and adjust our lines yesterday with the three-truck crew had such a cheerful attitude. They have had grueling work chain-sawing through downed trees to get to houses, watching for all manor of vermin (the roaches are really, really big in Texas and the mosquitos have grown almost as big) and of course climbing over debris with nails and other hazards.

Today ( actually a week ago since there was no electric nor internet to post) we were enjoying the breeze and a cooler day when the fan blades started turning. Relief!! a hot shower, wash clothes, eat off real plates, ice.

In the midst of the work I found creative relief in late afternoons by painting some fabric in such a way that I could use it to make a quilted piece interpreting the chaos of this storm. I imagine there will be other quilters who will be interpreting this disaster in fabric and I will enjoy seeing them posted on various web sites. I know there are friends who will not be doing any sewing or quilting for some time as they lost everything in the storm. When we return for the winter I will be bringing those fabrics that have been stored in totes waiting for just the right project idea or just the right time in my schedule to share with those who have lost their “stash”. I’m sure other winter Texans will be doing the same. Fabric is not a necessity for life but I hope it can be one of the pleasantries that helps us to heal from the devastation.


2 thoughts on “Harvey”

  • Sharon I am so glad everything is okay with you. I have a HUGE tote of old linens given to me and I am saving it to share with you for dyeing. Can’t wait to spend time with you.

  • You look good holding that saw girl !
    Glad to see things are moving along. And your getting in some fabric time to relax.
    My family in Fort Myers are going through a lot of the same. I hope they have power soon. Very hot and humid there. Laura

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