Saturday I had the pleasure of taking daughter and friend to the starting point of RAGBRAI 2015, Sioux City, Iowa. The Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa draws thousands of bike riders from across the nation. I saw license plates from California to Florida and states between. Once their support truck was located, tent unpacked and set up we visited a quilt shop, Heart and Hand Dry Goods before I left them and headed back to Des Moines with their car. I had no agenda for the quilt shop–no need for fabric or patterns but, of course, found fabric not to be lived without. Some batik fat quarters that will be part of a pattern in the development stages, a pattern that would be a great one for showcasing a complete fabric line and a book that looked intriguing with it’s star making technique were put in my bag before heading home. Though I was tired when getting from Des Moines to Hannibal on Sunday I put one fat quarter batik on the design board for mulling a potential project while I continued work on the “Anatomy of a Leaf” project!